I'm Brent. Thanks for stopping by. Everything you see here is my design. In 2011 I began making my creations available for sale online. In 2013 I began focusing on creating outdoor products. That venture began as www.fishbonefish.com (which is still independently ran by my brother Eldrick and not affiliated with this site). What you find on AwesomeForSale.com comes directly from me, the inventor. What you find elsewhere on the internet is the highest form of flattery, imitation.
Creating and sharing is my passion. I've been posting my projects online since 2010 even though the creative bug bit me long before. My work can be seen at instructables.com under member name MrBalleng (a mash up of my full name).
Fish Bone Knotless Gear Tie was my first big idea I could see inside of Outdoors/Sporting goods stores. It's been an amazing experience. My hope is to continue creating products that help you while you're on the move.
We are a small business trying to make cool stuff. Thanks for your support!!!